
NOEL For Installers and Designers

We create a user-friendly system for both the user and the architect. Intuitive in installation and environmentally friendly. Provide your customers with a reliable and economical way of heating their homes and water. We are happy to assist in expanding knowledge and share experience in installation.

Comprehensive Support Package for Installers

In addition to the tank itself, we provide a complete package of services, enabling you to safely and effectively connect the device to the installation system:

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    Ready connection diagrams - catalog and diagrams in electronic version

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    Tank transportation to the customer - you don't have to worry about it yourself

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    Technical training for installers and trade partners - we are happy to share our knowledge

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    Technical Customer Care Representative - assistance on-site and over the phone

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    Transparent contracts - clear terms of cooperation

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    10-year warranty period - the longest on the market

Offer Your Customers the Highest Quality Product

Surely, you want to offer only proven solutions in your portfolio. Propose to your customers a tank that has been subjected to tests for years and that hundreds of satisfied users can recommend. The materials we base our tank production on are high-quality copper and steel. Copper, due to its antibacterial properties, is crucial for contact with domestic water. The steel, with a thickness of 3mm, is twice the standard, ensuring the longevity of the device and guaranteeing at least 10 years of trouble-free operation.
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You can connect the Noel tank to any type of installation. A large number of heating devices or water outlets is not a problem here. Instead of a tank with a single coil, choose one with two or three. This way, you can integrate the heating system even in very large buildings, such as hotels or hospitals. You can connect the open system with the closed one in any combination, providing customers with an unlimited amount of hot water on demand.

We understand the specifics of the market and continually gain knowledge from installation specialists. We provide ready-made connection diagrams for the Noel tank with various types of heating devices and environmentally friendly heat sources. You can find them both in our catalog and in electronic version – available for download. Thanks to them, you will have installation instructions conveniently at hand at all times.

NOEL for Designers

We create a system that is friendly for both the user and the architect. Intuitive in installation and environmentally friendly. The NOEL tank must be included in your project if you want to offer solutions:

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    Easy to install,

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    Intuitive to use,

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    Practical to maintain,

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    Compatible with any installation,

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The advantage of the Noel tank over similar solutions is the ability to perfectly tailor the device to the specific building and the needs of its residents or users. In addition to standard tanks, our offer includes devices that are susceptible to modifications. This means individually selecting the tank’s volume, dimensions, and power. This is especially important in modern construction, where little space is allocated for the boiler room in the house.
The flexibility of the Noel solution is also evident during the tank installation stage. The device cooperates with any type of heating installation and can be connected at any stage of work – even added to an existing installation. There are also no restrictions regarding the number of devices in the system. A tank with three coils offers unlimited possibilities, including connecting an open system with a closed one or standard heat sources (e.g., solid fuel boilers) with renewable ones (e.g., solar panels).
A consequence of the perfect adaptation of the tank to the type of building is also savings. The device allows for full utilization of the energy produced by heating devices. As a result, during one heating season, it can save up to 30% of fuel. This is made possible by excellent thermal insulation and capturing energy from heat sources. Excess energy at a given moment is not burned unnecessarily but stored and transferred to radiators only when it needs to heat domestic water or interiors.
Cost savings also result from investing in the device itself. We use 3mm steel for tank production – twice as thick as required by the UDT standard. Copper coils conduct heat excellently and also have antibacterial properties. Thanks to these materials, we were able to create a device resistant to the effects of time and corrosion. We offer customers a 10-year warranty. We can ensure that the tank’s performance quality will not change.


Zbiornik Noel 400/1W/24 PDF CAD
Zbiornik Noel 400/2W/24 PDF CAD
Zbiornik Noel 700/1W/24 PDF CAD
Zbiornik Noel 700/1W/40 PDF CAD
Zbiornik Noel 700/2W/40 PDF CAD
Zbiornik Noel 700/3W/40 PDF CAD
Zbiornik Noel 900/1W/40 PDF CAD
Zbiornik Noel 900/1W/80 PDF CAD
Zbiornik Noel 900/2W/40 PDF CAD
Zbiornik Noel 900/2W/80 PDF CAD
Zbiornik Noel 900/3W/40 PDF CAD
Zbiornik Noel 1200/1W/40 PDF CAD
Zbiornik Noel 1200/1W/80 PDF CAD
Zbiornik Noel 1200/2W/40 PDF CAD
Zbiornik Noel 1200/2W/80 PDF CAD
Zbiornik Noel 1200/3W/40 PDF CAD

Our certificates:

Please familiarize yourself with the detailed specifications of our tanks. Download the full technical documentation, which will explain the operation of Noel products and facilitate their installation.
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